Welcome to the Khair Community Center Ramadan 2024 Calendar.
Every day during the month of Ramadan, there will be an iftar open to everyone in our community. Depending on the day of the week, we will hold different types of iftars that you can contribute towards.
Instructions for Iftar Reservations
Review the types of iftars listed below.
Scroll down to pick an open date on the calendar.
Submit the form.
Mondays and Thursdays - Community Iftars (Masjid Organized)
The Khair Community Center will host iftars on these days. If you’d like to financially sponsor for those nights, please select the appropriate day in the calendar below and fill out the form.
Tuesdays and Sundays - Community Potluck Iftars
We ask the members of our community to bring in any food of their choosing. If you’d like to contribute to the potluck, please select the appropriate day in the calendar below and fill out the form.
Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays - Community Full Stack Iftars
On these nights, you have the opportunity to provide an iftar for the community at Khair Community Center. For more information on responsibilities and catering assistance (and to reserve a spot), please select the appropriate day in the calendar below and fill out the form.
Friendly Reminder: Every single iftar held during Ramadan will be open to everyone :) InshaAllah we will see you there!
JazakAllah Khair!